Sunday, December 29, 2013

Escape To Suomi 2013 - A Year In Review

At the end of last year, I put together a top five list of the most popular posts on this site throughout 2012. Well, I'm off work and thought I'd do the same - hopefully this will be helpful for some of my recent followers (hello!), and a chance to reminisce over the past twelve months.

Pretty much a beginners guide to the league, the purpose to help new fans into which clubs were involved, the European place allocations, and the best (legal) ways to watch games. It was posted on the league's official Twitter and Facebook, and a few other forums that I could see. Fortunately I didn't make too many predictions, other than HJK being favourites as they won the league by twelve points. Will put together a 2014 guide in due course - the season begins April 6th.

Ahead of Carl's debut for England U21s in October, Press Association journalist Simon Peach generously allowed me to host his interview with Arsenal right-back Jenkinson on the site. Needless to say, Carl's switch from Finland to England is still a discussion point, after he'd represented Finland's younger age group teams on a number of occasions (Carl has a Finnish mother). Carl did play against Finland U21s in November, where he was quite soundly booed by the small Finnish away section!

Another season preview, but this time looking at the threads each side would be wearing. Most sides had new kits, while the main highlight was Lahti's Tommi Kari looking FABULOUS. The Jaro kit pictured was in fact a training kit, but hey ho. Several clubs have already signed with new kit suppliers for next year, so look forward to another repeat.

On Monday January 14th 2013, the superb Football Weekly podcast featured Gregg Bakowski talking about how he met former Liverpool legend Sami Hyypiä in a Merseyside sauna... The conversation moved onto whether Finnish women were heavy-set, something Mrs ETS took great exception to! Anyway, it appears that putting pictures of an attractive woman on the site works, so here is the current Mrs Hyypiä, Susanna Rissanen.

Number 1 - Arsenal v Manchester City aka "Super Match"

One of the more controversial football matches in Finland this year was between two big English clubs - should Helsinki have been used as a stage, or could a Finnish side have been involved? Some people made a lot of money from the game, and some of it was pretty cringey - both sides walked out to the theme tune from the Superman movies. But Arsenal won, and had a huge majority in the crowd. Another post, with my photos from the day, is here.

Anyway, that was 2013 - 2014 will be more of the same. Stay tuned, we'll be looking to get bigger and better, feedback is welcome as always.

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